Driving is essential for many of us for our daily lives whether it is driving to work or for social use. A range of vision standards apply for different driving licences. Our qualified optometrists will check your eyesight using various techniques and will advise if it is in-line with the applicable DVLA vision standards. There are three main areas assessed which are listed below. You must be able to read a car number plate registered after 1st September 2001 from 20 metres away. You must also have a minimum eyesight standard of at least 6/12 measured on a Snellen chart using both eyes together or one eye if that is the only eye you have sight.
Lorry and bus drivers have a different requirement standard. Our optomerists will advise you on whether you may need to wear glasses or contact lenses to meet these applicable standards. Peripheral vision is essential whilst driving and minimum levels are set by the DVLA. We can assess your peripheral vision using various methods, the most common being a visual field screener which maps out a plot of your peripheral vision by the user detecting a series of light stimuli presented in their peripheral vision. A range of eye conditions can affect your driving. It is essential to check to see if you have any of these conditions and inform the DVLA accordingly.